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Big Data and Data Science Applied

Seminar: Summer Semester 2021; Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg; Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Science


  • (April 10, 2021) Website created, dates confirmed

Host & Support

Seminar Content

During the last years, Big Data has made its way from labs into popular media and even everyday life. The same holds true for Recommender Systems as a means of personalization and customization for the masses.

The seminar at hand will shed light onto what Big Data actually is, and how high volumes of data are actually being managed in terms of software frameworks. At the same time, it analyzes the algorithmic clockworks of Recommender Systems, which we know well from services like Amazon, YouTube, or Spotify.

Taken together, we have a look at approaches to personalization and recommendation that are operating on large data, or, more prominently, Big Data.

Application Procedure

We kindly ask prospective participants to apply via the university’s online application system for participation in the indicated seminar. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 7 with no exception.

Administrative Stuff

The seminar is organized as an “en-bloc seminar”, consisting of three sessions with mandatory participation for all three.

  • Session I: The first session will be held on Monday, Apr 26, from 6pm s.t. to 10pm (online). The aim of this first session is to provide all participants with basic knowledge about Big Data, Recommender Systems, and their practical application. Moreover, it aims at providing students with presentation skills and expertise on the writing of a scientific report. The first session will also address the organization of the second session. Please be punctual, late-comers are not admitted to the seminar
  • Session II & III: The second and third session will feature the first and second half of the oral presentations of all participants and take place Monday, Jun 07, and Tuesday, Jun 08. On both days, the en-bloc session will take place 6pm to around 11pm. Both sessions will be as virtual sessions, via video conferencing tools.

Additional information:

  • ECTS: 4 cr. (equals 2 SWS)
  • Language: English/German

Prerequisites for Passing

Participation in both sessions is absolutely mandatory. Also, the students need to submit certain deliverables that will be graded:

  • Written report (max. 7 pages DIN A4, 12 pt., single-spaced, one-column); submission date will be announced in the first session (submit to cai.ziegler at hotmail dot de)
  • Oral presentation (English or German) of 30 mins; discussion and question 10 mins;  presentations have to be in PPT and must follow the style template handed out in the first session

The final grade is composed 60% oral presentation plus participation in discussions, and 40% written report.

Topics and References

Topics and references are contained in the document handed out in the first session. Note that the indicated paper references are only meant as starting point.

Students are highly encouraged to search for other suitable references.